
What was the biggest challenge you faced creating your store?

Nothing was a big challenge. If I had to list one thing, it would be fiddling with the pre-built themes. Partially because I would normally create something completely from scratch, but also because it's hard to spend such a short amount of time tinkering with it!

What worked really well when using our platform?

Creating ready-to-manufacture clothing using the Printful app, and pushing those items directly into the store. It's pretty magical how sizing, pricing, mockups, and the integration between their service and Shopify works so seamlessly.

What could be improved when using our platform?

Hopping back and forth between the theme gallery and the store can feel a little clunky. I understand how deeply challenging and complex creating a theming system is—I have previous experience with it. But I still felt like that workflow could be more intuitive.

How did this experience help you build empathy for our merchants?

Building a store that reflects your vision is hard work! The further down the rabbit hole you go in obsessing over your store, the more choices you have to make to either go with the system or fight it. It can get particularly tricky trying to nail down international taxing, shipping, especially when using third party apps, etc.